Just Color Picker is a portable application and can be run directly from a USB stick. Light and dark modes, adjusting automatically to the system settings.Copying the colour code to the clipboard with one mouse click or automatically.Text tool for evaluating the readability of the selected font and background colour combinations.Gradient transition between any two colours for creating a wide range of in-between hues.RGB, HSV and HSL colour editors for adjusting and editing colours.Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) and Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) colour wheels with marked triads and complementary colours.Conversion of HTML/Hexadecimal and RGB colour codes into the corresponding colours.User comments and notes for picked colours.Interaction with the standard Windows and macOS colour dialogs.

aco colour swatches (Adobe color files) and GIMP. Ability to open, edit and save Adobe Photoshop.Colour list for saving, cataloguing and re-using the picked colours.Calculation of pixel distance between points.

Averaged colour sampling for easy colour noise handling.Extensive range of colour code formats: HTML, RGB, HEX, HSB/HSV, HSL, HWB, CMY, CMYK and Delphi.